Voices of New Warriors - Index Page

This is the Voices of New Warriors Index page:


We're glad to have you on board with this series - and hope you enjoy the first interview.

Welcome to the 12 in 12!

My hope is that in these 12 interviews you will see yourself and your life in at least one of these men. They come from all walks of life and each found their way to this work in a unique way.

Each man shares a lot about his life and experience, talks about what the weekend and the organization has meant to him, and how his life has changed since starting this work.

Since you'll hear me in each interview, a short introduction is in order! My name is Barry Friedman and I did the New Warrior Training Adventure in Feb of 2008. It has been the best thing to happen to me as a man, a father, and a husband.

Wishing you a fantastic life,

Barry Friedman
ManKind Project Northern California


Day 1

Richard Winters

Name: Richard Winters
Lives: Grass Valley, CA
Initiated: 2005

High school teacher. Stage actor. Father of three. In this interview, Richard says that it is hard to remember what is life was like before the NWTA weekend. What he knows for sure is that he is a much more honest man who is no longer hiding behind humor, sarcasm, or silliness.

The NWTA has given him tools that enable him to deal with his kids on a much deeper, genuine level.

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Day 2

King Mott

Name: King Mott
Lives: South Orange, NJ
Initiated: 1994

King is a Certified Leader Emeritus with the ManKind Project.

In this interview he talks about his life as man, civil union partner, father of 4 teenage girls, university professor, and leader - yep, all in 14-minutes.  Hold on to your headset - King is an energetic and passionate speaker with a worldly, first-person understanding of humanity.

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Day 3

Jeremy Creager

Name: Jeremy Creager
Lives: San Francisco, CA
Initiated: January 2010

In this conversation you'll hear from the younger generation of New Warriors. Jeremy's passion and easy style of communication comes through in his words, life, and in his incredible slam poetry.

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Day 4

Jan Hutchins

Name: Jan Hutchins
Lives: Los Gatos, CA
Initiated: 2004

In this interview you'll hear Jan talk about how his involvement in the ManKind Project has finally given him real friends.  He now has men that he knows are 'watching his back'.

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Day 5

Martin Marks

Name: Martin Marks
Lives: Marin County, CA
Initiated: 1995

"I was the easiest enrollment in the history of the ManKind Project" boasts Martin in this interview. As a Certified Leader of the New Warrior Training Adventure needless to say he's stuck with it.

Martin dedicates a huge part of his life to service. Through his honesty and insight in this conversation you'll hear a man who thrives on helping others find their highest self, regardless of where they start. Martin also sits in circles with his "Brothers in Blue" behind the walls of several prisons.

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Day 6

Frankie Borchers

Name: Francis Borchers
Lives: Santa Cruz, CA
Initiated: 1997

In this interview you'll meet a certified Co-Leader with the ManKind Project.

Francis is one of 13 children who came west to find out who he was - and his work with the New Warrior Training Adventure continues to help him with that inquiry.
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Day 7

Tony Bonnici

Name: Tony Bonnici
Lives: Hawaii
Initiated: 2008

Tony shares a lot of his heart and soul in this interview. Getting in touch with his authentic desires and gifts gave him the courage to sell his two businesses on the mainland. He then moved to Hawaii to follow his true calling and has never looked back!

Tony also talks about his father-in-law who did the New Warrior Training Adventure and how this shared experience finally enabled a deep connection that hadn't existed for 15-years.

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Day 8

Les Sinclair

Name: Les Sinclair
Lives: Las Vegas, NV
Initiated: 1991

Les is a Certified Leader of the ManKind Project and also the most senior man in this series of interviews.  In his life he's seen a lot of  variety as an actor, mega-successful television producer, business owner, and world traveler.

Les shares how he found the New Warrior Training Adventure and some of the ways in which that experience has formed him into the man he is today - a proud father and teacher.

Download the MP3 (Right Click | Save As)

Bonus!  Watch this testimonial video about the New Warrior Training Adventure that Les made for the ManKind Project.


Day 9

Jerry Gridley

Name: Jerry Gridley
Lives: Grass Valley, CA
Initiated: 2003

Jerry is a patent holder, father, entrepreneur, and life-coach.

"I realized that I could show my sons a man who lives a life of isolation, or a man who steps out into the world and does what he has to do.  MKP has helped me to be the latter."

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Day 10

George Daranyi

Name: George Daranyi
Lives: Tucson, AZ
Initiated: 1992

In this interview you'll hear from a man who is playing in the big leagues.  He is a Certified Leader with the ManKind Project and takes his skills into his professional life as a Lawyer and Intervention Coordinator.

George says, "I don't think something has to be wrong with a man for him to do the weekend... it's an add on, it's gravy for his life".

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Day 11

JahSun Martini

Name: JahSun Martini
Lives: Ashland, OR
Initiated: 2001

In this interview, JahSun talks about the various initiations he's experienced in his life including a college fraternity, the U.S. Air Force, and Burning Man! The ManKind Project gave him an initiation into the Mature Masculine that he was seeking.

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Day 12

Barry Friedman

Name: Barry Friedman
Lives: Grass Valley, CA
Initiated: Feb 2008

Wait a minute - I'm the guy who conducts the interviews - what's going on here?!?!

I called a man named Boysen Hodgson, Communications Director at the Mankind Project USA, because I wanted to interview him for this series - and he turned on me.  In a wild, uninhibited act of creating his vision, he asked if he could interview me instead.

I folded...and here is the result.

Today you'll hear about my life as a comedian/juggler, gypsy traveler, and living a life highly out of integrity.

You'll also hear about my big turn around and how that's working out.

Download the MP3 (Right Click | Save As)

And here is Barry hard at work!

And here they are at TED!

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