Richard Winters - New Warrior Interview - Day 1


We're glad to have you on board with this series - and hope you enjoy the first interview.

Welcome to the 12 in 12!

My hope is that in these 12 interviews you will see yourself and your life in at least one of these men. They come from all walks of life and each found their way to this work in a unique way.

Each man shares a lot about his life and experience, talks about what the weekend and the organization has meant to him, and how his life has changed since starting this work.

Since you'll hear me in each interview, a short introduction is in order! My name is Barry Friedman and I did the New Warrior Training Adventure in Feb of 2008. It has been the best thing to happen to me as a man, a father, and a husband.

Wishing you a fantastic life,

Barry Friedman
ManKind Project Northern California

Name: Richard Winters
Lives: Grass Valley, CA
Initiated: 2005

High school teacher. Stage actor. Father of three. In this interview, Richard says that it is hard to remember what is life was like before the NWTA weekend. What he knows for sure is that he is a much more honest man who is no longer hiding behind humor, sarcasicm, or silliness.

The NWTA has given him tools that enable him to deal with his kids on a much deeper, genuine level.

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